Lower carbon footprint, sustainable technology, better environmental impact. Just say goodbye to those fossil fuels!
You don’t have to care about the stock market. You just have to care about something. Puppies, or trees,
or even humans will do. Every time you spend money, Balance automatically rounds up the extra change and
invests it into companies that care about the things you care about.
Lower carbon footprint, sustainable technology, better environmental impact. Just say goodbye to those fossil fuels!
Because toxic products with toxic waste are bad for everyone.
No companies that make weapons or ammunition, or profit from conflict in foreign countries.
Protecting indigenous peoples and practicing mindful business within any
war zones. Justice for all!
No testing on animals! And caring about how animals raised for food are treated.
Inclusion of everyone. Emphasis on equal hiring and pay practices for women and minorities.
We do the work, so you don’t have to. You spend money, we round up the change, and invest it for you. Every purchase you make, invests in your future. Choose what you care about. Let ‘er dance.
We do the work, so you don’t have to. Choose what you care about and we
do the rest.
We auto-round the spare change from your purchases and invest them into socially responsible ETF's.
Every purchase you make invests in your future. Social Impact, financial
Our Beta program is closed, but Balance will be available to the general public soon. If you’d like a chance to be a Beta user,
subscribe to our newsletter below and we’ll offer you more information and updates.
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Join now for exclusive access to our private beta launch! Be the first to receive info on what brands are being awesome and which ones are douchebags, then support awesomeness with your Balance app. Invest in the market, change the world.